Business Analyst in the automotive Domain/environment



8:00 PM TO 9:00 PM (IST)



Understanding domain knowledge is crucial for business analysts and BA aspirants as it empowers them to analyze requirements effectively and propose tailored solutions that address industry-specific challenges. In the context of the automobile industry, delving into this domain opens doors to a world of innovation, technology, and dynamic market trends.

  • The automobile industry stands at the forefront of innovation, constantly pushing boundaries with advancements like electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and connected car technologies. Learning about this domain not only offers insights into these cutting-edge developments but also equips BAs with the knowledge to navigate the evolving landscape of automotive technologies.
  • The automobile industry is a melting pot of diverse stakeholders, from manufacturers and suppliers to dealerships and consumers. By immersing themselves in this domain, business analysts gain a deeper understanding of the complex ecosystem and the intricate relationships between various players. This understanding enables them to decipher stakeholder needs, anticipate market trends, and drive impactful business decisions.
  • Furthermore, the automotive sector is heavily regulated, with stringent standards for safety, emissions, and quality control. Having domain knowledge allows BAs to navigate these regulatory frameworks effectively, ensuring compliance while optimizing processes and workflows within automotive projects.

Overall, learning about the automobile domain not only expands the skill set of business analysts but also opens up exciting opportunities to contribute meaningfully to one of the most dynamic and impactful industries in the world.


We’ll cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to the Automobile Industry
  • Introduction of end-to-end process of Automobile Industry
  • Evolution of Automobiles: From Conventional to Electric & Autonomous Vehicles, Technological Innovations: Connected Cars, IoT & Artificial Intelligence - Industry 4.0
  • Key Players and Market Trends in the Automotive Sector
  • Regulatory Landscape: Environmental Standards, Safety Regulations, and Compliance Requirements
  • Case Studies and Real-world Examples Highlighting Business Analysis in the Automobile Domain
  • Q&A Session and Interactive Discussions


  • Enhanced understanding of the automobile industry ecosystem, including market trends, technological advancements, and regulatory requirements.
  • Insight into the role of business analysts in analyzing requirements and proposing solutions within the automotive domain.
  • Awareness of emerging opportunities and challenges in the automotive sector and how they impact business analysis practices.
  • Practical knowledge gained from case studies and real-world examples, enabling participants to apply business analysis techniques effectively in automotive projects.
  • Access to valuable resources and networking opportunities to further explore career prospects in the automobile industry.

The attendees of the webinar will be provided with special offer during the live webinar session. This will be a limited offer for Attendees only. Email will be forwarded for the same after conclusion of the event.


Poorani Srinivasan

CBAP, CPOA Certified

Poorani Srinivasan is a seasoned professional with nearly 20 years of experience in automobile industry. Poorani brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table in Bill of Material Management, Supply Chain Management, Purchasing, Supplier Relationship Management, Aftersales Engineering, Catalogue Maintenance, Warehouse Management and Customer Relationship management.
Throughout her career, Poorani has held key roles in Ford, Chrysler, Visteon and Renault, where she has demonstrated exceptional proficiency. She transcended boundaries in career and entered IT in 2017 as a Business Analyst. Her dedication to continuous learning is evident through her acquisition of CBAP, CPOA certifications, further solidifying her standing as a subject matter expert in Business Analysis and Product Ownership too. Her growth from a Business Analyst to a Chapter Leader of Business Analysis within 3 years is a clear reflection of her passion for business analysis. She has been a Board member of International Institute of Business Analysis since 2019, contributing to the BA community in various roles.
She is very passionate about volunteering and supports various NGO’s in the upliftment of Women and children. She has been an active leader in her organization’s Women Forum, leading multiple strategic activities and supporting her organization win the coveted Best Companies for Women in India multiple times. She is a multi-linguist and can converse in many Indian languages, English and French. She is a voracious reader and has recently started publishing articles through her LinkedIn Profile. An articulate speaker, amazing teacher, mentor to many and has helped many professionals and students be professional qualified!

Poorani Srinivasan

CBAP, CPOA Certified

Poorani Srinivasan is a seasoned professional with nearly 20 years of experience in automobile industry. Poorani brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table in Bill of Material Management, Supply Chain Management, Purchasing, Supplier Relationship Management, Aftersales Engineering, Catalogue Maintenance, Warehouse Management and Customer Relationship management.
Throughout her career, Poorani has held key roles in Ford, Chrysler, Visteon and Renault, where she has demonstrated exceptional proficiency. She transcended boundaries in career and entered IT in 2017 as a Business Analyst. Her dedication to continuous learning is evident through her acquisition of CBAP, CPOA certifications, further solidifying her standing as a subject matter expert in Business Analysis and Product Ownership too. Her growth from a Business Analyst to a Chapter Leader of Business Analysis within 3 years is a clear reflection of her passion for business analysis. She has been a Board member of International Institute of Business Analysis since 2019, contributing to the BA community in various roles.
She is very passionate about volunteering and supports various NGO’s in the upliftment of Women and children. She has been an active leader in her organization’s Women Forum, leading multiple strategic activities and supporting her organization win the coveted Best Companies for Women in India multiple times. She is a multi-linguist and can converse in many Indian languages, English and French. She is a voracious reader and has recently started publishing articles through her LinkedIn Profile. An articulate speaker, amazing teacher, mentor to many and has helped many professionals and students be professional qualified!


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