What is Review Efficiency?
How do we measure the performance of a Business Analyst? I am going to explain one of such metrics in this post. What is Review Efficiency?
Business Analysts conduct reviews on documents containing business analysis information like requirements. BABOK Version 3 discussed Reviews as a Technique.
What are Reviews?
Reviews are used to evaluate the content of a work product. The work product may be a package of several deliverables, a single deliverable, a portion of a deliverable, or work in process. Reviews can be formal or informal, depending on the project and available time.
What is Review Efficiency?
Measuring the success of reviews is an important metric for a team. How do we measure the efficiency of reviews? Reviews are conducted throughout the lifecycle of the project.
Project teams conduct reviews on documents as well as code. By measuring and tracking this metric, the team can reduce the cost as well as effort in re-work.
The efficiency of reviews is measured relative to the number of defects found in the project. Efficient reviews reduce the number of defects in the project (which needs re-work).
Review efficiency for Requirements Specification document
It can be calculated by the following formula:
Requirements Review Efficiency (RRE) = Total number of review defects in requirements document / (Total number of review defects in requirements document + Total number of testing defects having source as requirements phase) x 100
Let’s take an example. A business analyst finds ten review defects while reviewing the requirements document. During unit/integration/system testing, the team found 200 defects.
Thirty of these defects were identified as being created during the requirements elicitation phase. So in this case,
RRE = (10/(10+30) * 100 = 25%
This means that 25% of the defects were reduced and no re-work was required to fix them.
The formula for calculating review efficiency for the entire project is:
Review Efficiency (RE) = Total number of review defects / (Total number of review defects + Total number of testing defects) x 100
RRE is one of the quantitative performance measures for Business Analysts. I will be discussing more business analysis topics in the coming posts.
Read Also: How do I differentiate myself from other Business Analysts?
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